Ardscoil na Mara Board Of Management.
The Board of Management, of a voluntary secondary school, is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the curriculum of the school is in accordance with the religious and educational criteria defined by the Trustees (ERST).
As outlined in the Articles of Management the Board of Management consists of eight persons:
- Four members nominated by the Trustees of the school. One of their nominations is appointed as chairperson;
- Two parents representatives - legal guardians of children currently attending the school, elected by parents whose children currently attend the school;
- Two teacher representatives - elected by all the current pro-rata contracted, non-casual, job-sharing and current full-time teachers on the staff of the school on the date of election.
Following their nomination or election, all eight members of the Board are appointed by the Trustees.
The Principal, as outlined in the Articles of Management, acts as Secretary to the Board (AoM 11(a))
Composition of the Board of Management 2024- 2025
Mr. B. Flannery - Chairperson
Mr. P. Cawley - Principal and Secretary to the Board
Mr. T. Dillon - Trustee Nominee
- Trustee Nominee
Ms. Anne Ahern - Trustee Nominee
Ms. Jenny Evans - Parents Nominee
Mr. Paul Weldon - Parents Nominee
Ms. Rachel Fleming- Teacher Nominee
Mr. David Leahy - Teacher Nominee
The functions of the Board of Management must be performed collectively. In this context, members of the Board do not act in a representative capacity. The proper procedure for bringing an issue before the Board is that the matter should be notified in advance, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Management.