Ardscoil na Mara
-an Edmund Rice School

Technology and Engineering Awards

Technology and Engineering Awards
The Technology and Engineering Awards recognise the hard work of pupils in the subjects of DCG, Engineering, Technology & Graphics. It is a great occasion for the award recipients. We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support. The awards improve standards across the board with students trying to improve their own work ethic and quality of work while developing an interest in STEM subjects.
Reminder to all 6th-year parents/ guardians that the DCG room is open from 8am each morning for students to work on their folders/ design.
Award Ceremonies:
Friday 7th of November 2019 - practical awards for 2018/2019.
Friday 24th of January 2020 - practical awards for 2019/2020.

Technology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering AwardsTechnology and Engineering Awards
Aug 22
6th & 3rd yr return to school
Aug 23
1st Year Assembly and Induction
Aug 26
2nd/ TY/5th Yr Assemblies
Aug 27
All Year Groups : Full Timetabled classes begin
Ardscoil na Mara,
Co. Waterford
X91 Y981

051 395 124

© 2024 Ardscoil na Mara