Ardscoil na Mara
-an Edmund Rice School

Remote Teaching and Learning Timetables

Remote Teaching and Learning Timetables

Remote Teaching and Learning Timetables: (email sent on Friday 8th January)

Dear students and parents,
Following from the recent announcement by the Minister, students will not be attending school until further notice.
Online provision of tuition will take place from Monday 11th. Please find the attached timetable for your class which will be in operation from Monday at 11am. Staff are currently checking these timetables and compiling Google Classroom codes to avoid any delays or disruption next week.
We will be meeting with staff from 9am on Monday to check/update timetables and outline procedures for the weeks ahead. Some changes may be needed after this review is complete.
Please access this folder to see the relevant timetable for your son/daughter. Please note there is no adjusted timetable for 6th year Leaving Cert students they will follow their normal schedule.
We will distribute devices to those without access on Monday, please email and Mr. Cahill will arrange a time for collection.
We will continue to review the process in the days ahead and welcome any feedback on how you are getting on with Remote Teaching and Learning.
We hope that the adjusted timetable will address some of the issues and concerns that were expressed to us during the previous school closure period. Individual class teachers will guide and help students during the process to help make it as smooth as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
Pádraig Cawley.
Ardscoil na Mara,
Co. Waterford.

Mar 17
St.Patrick's Day
Mar 20
School Planning Day
Mar 27
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Ardscoil na Mara,
Co. Waterford
X91 Y981

051 395 124

© 2025 Ardscoil na Mara