Ardscoil na Mara
-an Edmund Rice School


An Cúrsa Samhraidh.   Due to circumstances outside our control, 'An Cúrsa Samhraidh' will not run this summer.Due to public health advice
AMBER FLAG COMMITTEE With the stress of exams, peer pressures and bullying, school can be a difficult time that can take its toll on our student's mental
Ardscoil na Mara aims to provide all students with opportunities to develop skills outside the classroom in both extra and co-curricular activities. The
  ‘Your Education, Your School.’ Who are we? The student council is here for the students. We work in partnership with management, parents
    SCIENCE CLUB Our Ardscoil na Mara Science Club runs fortnightly from 4.15pm to 5.15pm on Thursdays. In Science Club we explore interesting
Engaging in drama builds confidence, helps to develop language and communication skills, and promotes emotional intelligence. Besides all that, it is great
  The Peace And Justice Group.   The Peace and Justice group is a voluntary group that meets in our school every week. We are part of a growing
Music has always been a big part of life in Ardscoil na Mara with the musical groups performing regularly for school events.
  Our School Choir Choir is a great opportunity for talented singers to perform in a group. The benefits of singing in a choir are many and various.
Aug 22
6th & 3rd yr return to school
Aug 23
1st Year Assembly and Induction
Aug 26
2nd/ TY/5th Yr Assemblies
Aug 27
All Year Groups : Full Timetabled classes begin
Ardscoil na Mara,
Co. Waterford
X91 Y981

051 395 124

© 2024 Ardscoil na Mara